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Newmi Care
The Office Pass, Tower B, 11th Floor, Unitech Cyber Park, Sector 39, Gurugram - 22, HR Gurugram, IN
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Precautions after miscarriage

  • By Newmi
  • •  Jan 03, 2023

What is miscarriage - Miscarriage is a heart-breaking scene in pregnancy. It is when a baby inside you suffers death in the womb. Most miscarriages happen in the initial months of pregnancy and is due to chromosomal abnormalities that are disturbing the baby’s normal growth and development. It is also known as spontaneous abortion and can happen before you have any chance to stop it. It is the period when your body has not adjusted to the new life and is making preparations to give room to it, so it is a very common occurrence during that period. In other words, miscarriage is highly likely before 12 to 20  weeks. 

How do you know if you are having a miscarriage?

You will have a heavy period followed by cramps, pain in your stomach, pelvis, shoulders and back. Miscarriage also triggers blood clots and flow of fluids from your vagina. However, these symptoms are not the only symptoms and each body responds differently to loss of fetus. The bleeding will stop in about 2 weeks after a miscarriage.

How can Newmi pregnancy care plans help you in preventing a miscarriage?

Newmi care is a holistic initiative to help women who are aspiring to get pregnant through its preconception care plans, to guide women during pregnancy through its pregnancy care plans and benefit by healing their postpartum stress through its postpartum recovery plans. You can avail a huge amount of benefit by opting for pregnancy care and obtain an idea on how to take care of yourself during pregnancy. 

Newmi pregnancy care plans are a great mix of Prenatal Yoga and Garbhasanskar that is required at each stage of pregnancy. The reasons for miscarriage can be difficult to determine but you can try opting for healthy lifestyle to lower its chances of occurring. With an active lifestyle like yoga and easy movement exercises, healthy diet and nutrition plans by Newmi and practicing Lamaze, you can make the chances of miscarriage almost negligible. Personalized healthcare like diet based on traditional foods are a must-have in your pregnancy care journey. Newmi teaches you what food items to include and are considered safe, and foods that you should avoid to reduce the risk of miscarriage. The list of foods that you should avoid are written and given to you. For example, raw eggs, pineapple, papaya, and unpasteurized dairy are some of the food products that is a complete no-no in your pregnancy diet. 

Prenatal supplements are very much needed for your baby’s growth and development. Folic acid, a superfood or super vitamin supplement helps avoid neural defects in your baby and is recommended in your pregnancy's first trimester. Also, prenatal vitamins prevent preterm birth and other complications like miscarriage, low birth weight and preeclampsia.  Along with prenatal supplements, following a pregnancy nutrition food rich in all food groups should be taken in order to build up stamina and go in full force to deal with your pregnancy.   

Check out Newmi pregnancy care plans to avail a dedicated consultation with a health care expert to know about your pregnancy and the life inside you. 

Precautions to avoid miscarriage:

  • Eat healthy food and recommended prenatal supplements  
  • Be present for all your check-ups and tests  
  • Talk to your healthcare provider and know everything about pregnancy care 
  • Stock up on comfortable maternity wear and nursing wear 
  • Educate yourself and your family about postpartum  
  • Include physical activity like prenatal yoga or meditation in your routine 
  • Drink lot of water and be hydrated 

Newmi emotional wellbeing coaching to streamline your emotions after miscarriage

Miscarriage is an unbearable grief and like every grief, it too passes through different stages. Anger, denial and acceptance are the stages which every grief courses through. When these stages hit, it can trigger various feelings of anger, guilt, regret, shock, numbness, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Newmi emotional wellbeing coaching program aims to understand and address your emotional outbursts while passing through different stages of grief related to miscarriage. It deals with your psychological health concerns by employing evidence-based techniques to help you out of it. Newmi emotional wellbeing coaching is divided into two branches namely – 

  1. Explore – The experts will understand your emotional concerns, formulate a suitable plan of action to handle your profound loss, offer you support through natural laws of wellness towards emotional wellbeing. 
  2. Sustain – The four sessions following Explore session is to implement evidence-based coping strategies on you, imbibe natural laws of wellness methods, so that you experience enhanced emotional wellness. 

These sessions are completely safe, non-judgemental and confidential and give you enough room to experience and process the intensity of emotions that you are going through after the miscarriage. Newmi’s holistic wellness journey is unique enough to support you throughout your journey of miscarriage and give you framework to handle the loss so that you can accelerate your healing process. 


Everyone copes with grief differently and there is no right way to deal with a miscarriage. What works for you might not work for others. Allow yourself time to grieve and express your emotions. Take care of yourself as it is important to take care of your physical and emotional wellbeing during this time. Getting some rest, eating well and engaging in activities that you find comforting are some of the ways to taking care of yourself. Seek out healthy strategies like Newmi emotional coaching programs to channelise the emotional effects of miscarriage and Newmi pregnancy care plans to know the healthy ways to embrace your pregnancy. Seeking support through Newmi holistic wellness programs will benefit you as it can be helpful to talk to therapists and lean on them for emotional support. And most importantly be patient with your healing process as healing takes time. 

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