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Signs of conception

  • By Newmi
  • •  Nov 09, 2022

Your lip curls up into a big smile and you whoop with joy when you miss a period. Missing a period is a significant symptom of pregnancy. But once you find that you have missed your periods, the questions do not stop in your mind. A constant worry stays in your mind because you are not yet sure. You plan on confirming your pregnancy with more such symptoms but as you do not have sufficient clues, you fail to recognize them. Newmi brings a detailed report on the early pregnancy symptoms or tell-tale signs of pregnancy and guides you toward different pregnancy tests.

In this article:

  • What are the early symptoms of Pregnancy?
  • Importance of pregnancy care plans
  • Newmi Pregnancy care plans
  • What is the role of testing in Pregnancy?
  • What are some of the common tests during Pregnancy?
  • Summary

What are the early symptoms of pregnancy?

    • Missed period 

    Your menstrual cycle has a lot to do with your pregnancy. A fertilized egg gets implanted in your uterine lining. As you know, your period results from the shedding of the uterine lining, this is not so with pregnancy. In case of pregnancy, you don’t shed your uterine lining which blocks your menstrual blood. This leads to a missed period, a sure-shot sign of pregnancy. 

    • Abdominal cramps 

    Implantation Cramps fall under the symptoms of the period. When you get your usual period, you have abdominal cramps, which can also mean that you are pregnant. 

    • Tenderness in breasts 

    You will start to feel some tenderness or tingling sensation in your breasts during pregnancy.  

    • Tiredness 

     In the initial weeks of pregnancy, you are generally extremely tired and fatigue catches up. If you suffer from unusual tiredness and weariness along with other common symptoms, you know that you are on a bumpy ride.

    • Urge to urinate frequently 

    Frequent urination is one of the key signs of pregnancy as a surge in blood in your body during pregnancy forces your kidneys to filter out the fluids, causing an urge to urinate more frequently.

    • Nausea 

    Vomiting or nausea is the most common symptom since time immemorial. It is also termed morning sickness symptom in pregnancy. But note that you can have all other symptoms minus morning sickness too, which is very normal. 

    • Mood swings 

    Plummet and crash of hormones during pregnancy can lead to mood shifts in you. In one moment, you will be soaring with happiness and the next minute you will crash down to feeling low and helpless. 

    • Dizziness 

    Dizziness and headaches during pregnancy are common. Sometimes, you suffer from low blood pressure which can trigger headaches and dizziness in the initial trimester. It is also called as one of the key symptoms of pregnancy in the first month.

    Importance of pregnancy care plans:

      Once you have all these symptoms, you know that you are pregnant. That is when seeking pregnancy care comes into the picture. Pregnancy care is a holistic way of dealing with your pregnancy. It is keeping up with the care in your prenatal as well as postpartum period. Health experts recommend that good pregnancy care can nurture your life inside you and help you bring it into the world, healthier and happier. The different ways of taking good care are clearly planned out in a pregnancy care plan. The approach of a pregnancy care plan is collaborating nutrition and diet, trimester-wise testing, fitness regime, and postnatal care and giving you the best healthcare possible. 

      Newmi pregnancy care plans

      Pregnancy care plans by Newmi are designed to support your maternal needs at the time of pregnancy. Newmi’s specialized care associates will put you in touch with certified yoga, Garbh Sanskar, diet, and lamaze experts to help you understand childbirth and prepare you for smooth and normal delivery. Not only healthcare help but Newmi’s pregnancy care plan also offers maternity photoshoot services, financial support package to help you plan the birth expenses, dance movement therapy to keep you fit and active during pregnancy, and maternity shopping from baby wear, nursing wear to infant nutrition. In fact, the unique proposition of Newmi is that its pregnancy care plans are a great mix of prenatal yoga and Garbh Sanskar, both vital at each stage of pregnancy. Along with that it also qualifies as the best one-stop destination for all maternity products, curated diagnostics, gynae consultation, and a live community to make your journey seamless and easy during pregnancy. 

      What is the role of testing in pregnancy?

      Even though you opt for a pregnancy care plan, you should not miss out on the periodic tests and scans at all times during pregnancy. As each trimester sets in, your doctor will recommend certain tests to rule out the risks and check for any conditions that can hamper your baby’s growth and development. Also, each test carries significance whether knowing a due date, the fetus’s neurological health, or detecting other chronic conditions.  

      What are some of the common tests during pregnancy?

      • A home pregnancy test is a routine test to confirm your pregnancy and validate your early signs of pregnancy. It is helpful to determine if you are pregnant or not. You can buy a urine test for a pregnancy kit from a chemist to take this test. Morning time is best suitable as your urine is more concentrated.
      • For accurate results, do this test about 6 to 8 days after ovulation. Also called a pregnancy test, waiting for one week after you missed the period is an ideal time to take this test.
      • Blood test in early pregnancy – Once you have tried through a urine test for the pregnancy kit and you got the result as positive; in order to be doubly sure, you need to go to your doctor to take a blood test. This will confirm your pregnancy. A qualitative hCG is carried out to check for hCG and a quantitative hCG test will tell you how much amount of hCG is in your blood. This is generally carried out in the period of 10 days after conception.


      The above signs of pregnancy are a guide to know your pregnancy and your pregnant body. Remember, not every pregnant body gives out the same symptoms as guided here, some may have these signs as 3 days pregnant symptoms but some may not have even after they are pregnant for weeks at length. It is advisable to check using a home pregnancy kit and then follow it up with your doctor if you miss your monthly menstrual cycle. 

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