Hey Mommy-To-Be
Want to know how your baby is growing?
Your Baby Size Is A Poppy Seed Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is a tiny poppy seed and you won’t feel anything at all.
Height: 0.4 cms & Weight: 0.4 gms
Common Symptoms-
Implantation Bleeding
If you find some spotting then don’t be alarmed. This is a sign that the embryo has implanted itself into the uterine wall
Your hormones are on a high rise and as a result you will go though moodiness and bloating to mild cramp
Sore Breast
You might feel breast tenderness. This is due to hormonal changes in your body
- Start eating a snack first thing in the morning and consider asking your partner to prepare food for you
- Get your Vit D to build and maintain healthy bones
- Start taking your prenatal vitamin in the morning which will help you in morning sickness
Your Baby Size Is A Orange Seed Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Happy monthiversary! Your baby is now a month old and is the shape of an orange seed
Height: 0.7 cms & Weight: 0.7 gms
Common Symptoms-
Food Cravings
Welcome to the world of weird food cravings but you need to balance both.
The queasy feeling in your stomach can lead to vomiting at any hour of the day.
Excessive Saliva
Along with uneasiness in the stomach, your mouth will be watery all the time for no reason at all.
- Add nutrient-dense food to your diet, especially omega-3 fatty acids.
- Avoid certain foods that can harm your baby such as seafood, alcohol.
- Break your caffeine consumption.
Your Baby Size Is A Pomegranate Seed Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is now a pomegranate seed with a tail and a curved shape
Height: 0.8 cms & Weight: 0.8 gms
Common Symptoms-
Breast Changes
Your breasts are getting bigger and your nipples are sticking out more than usual.
Being pregnant is not easy. Take it easy and rest as you will feel extreme exhaustion.
Gas and Bloating
Because of the increase in progesterone, you might feel gassy or bloated most of the time.
- Prepare for your first prenatal doctor appointment. Ask even the silliest question.
- Skip the hot bath as it can increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Drink plenty of water and urinate as and when required to avoid UTI and eat small frequent meals.
Your Baby Size Is A Blueberry Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is now a blueberry and eyes, nose and ears begins to develop
Height: 0.9 cms & Weight: 0.9 gms
Common Symptoms-
Frequent Urination
You will spend a lot of time in the bathroom now due to urination caused by hormonal changes.
Acne Breakout
Blame your hormones for this. Check with your doctor before applying any anti-acne cream.
Heartburn and indigestion
You may feel a burning sensation in your body. Avoid heartburn trigger foods like spicy or fatty foods.
- Start prenatal exercise and keep yourself moving.
- Get all the check-ups and diagnosis done.
- Wash your face and use SPF30+ when you step out.
Your Baby Size Is A Raspberry Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your little one is now a raspberry and developing tiny fingers. You can see your belly growing.
Height: 1.6 cms & Weight: 1 gms
Common Symptoms-
Constipation is very common during pregnancy. It happens to nearly 50% of women.
Increased Vaginal Discharge
Because of estrogen, you might see milky vaginal discharge. If there is blood then consult your doctor.
Weird Dreams
If you are having vivid strange dreams then it might be because of anxiety and different emotions.
- Rest better and drink a lot of water to combat headaches.
- Eat a balanced diet because you will feel hungry all the time.
- You still have to pee a lot. Don’t hold it in.
Your Baby Size Is A Cherry Now!

Baby’s Structure-
2 months done right. Your baby is now the size of a cherry
Height: 2.3 cms & Weight: 2 gms
Common Symptoms-
Mood Shifts
Estrogen and progesterone fluctuation can lead to several mood shifts.
Nasal Congestion
Pregnancy can cause higher mucus production in the body. It can lead to cold and nasal congestion.
Breast tenderness and changes
Your breasts are now even bigger and you may need extra support for comfort.
- Switch to comfortable and stretchy clothes. Elastic can be your best friend.
- Avoid big meals at night and avoid spicy and greasy food.
- Star Kegal exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor.
Your Baby Size Is A Strawberry Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is now the size of a strawberry
Height: 3.1 cms & Weight: 4 gms
Common Symptoms-
Round Ligament Pain
You may suddenly feel pain around your abdomen because of the belly and surrounding ligament stretch.
Visible Veins
Your veins will be visible as there is increased blood supply in your body.
Your body is pumping blood which will make you dizzy occasionally.
- Improve your blood flow by walking or lying on your left side.
- Keep yourself hydrated and eat food rich in antioxidants.
- It’s now time to go shopping.
Your Baby Size Is A Brussels Sprout Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is growing and now looks like a Brussels sprout.
Height: 4.1 cms & Weight: 7 gms
Common Symptoms-
Leg Cramps
There may be leg cramps. This might disturb your sleep.
Keep a close eye on your diet and avoid food that makes you gassy.
Mood swings
Because of extensive hormonal changes happening in your body, mood swings come naturally.
- Include calcium in your diet plan. Dairy products are a good choice.
- Eat skin boosting nutrients like Vit C, E, B2, B3 and zinc. Moisturise regularly.
- Eat the right amount to avoid heartburn.
Your Baby Size Is A Passion Fruit Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is the size of a passion fruit and is developing important body parts.
Height: 5.4 cms & Weight: 14 gms
Common Symptoms-
Weight Gain
You can expect to gain excessive weight with skin pigmentation.
Headaches may start to intensify around this week.
Increase Discharge
This white milky discharge is basically to protect your vagina from infection.
- Healthy eating will help you achieve a healthy weight gain moving forward.
- Regular workouts may help manage weight gain, and make your heart and lungs strong.
- Do not skip your prenatal vitamins at all.
Your Baby Size Is A Lemon Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Welcome to the second trimester. Your baby now looks like a lemon.
Height: 7.4 cms & Weight: 23 gms
Common Symptoms-
More energy
This is the time when you feel most energetic as the morning sickness starts to fade.
Leaky Breasts
You may start producing colostrum. Colostrum are yellow and light orange in colour and thick and sticky.
Visible Veins
You can see all spider veins under your skin because of increased blood supply.
- Get a structured diet plan with the help of your dietician.
- Include a bowl of fruit salad.
- Go swimming and do prenatal yoga for good posture and overall health.
Your Baby Size Is A Peach Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is as big as a peach.
Height: 8.7 cms & Weight: 43 gms
Common Symptoms-
Round Ligament Pain
You will feel some aches and pains as your muscles and ligaments stretch.
Increased Appetite
You will now rediscover your appetite. Eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.
Thicker, Shinier Hair
One of the many attractive side effects of pregnancy.
- If your nose is stuffy, put petroleum gel in each nostril.
- Fibre-rich food can cure constipation.
- Hormones can change the appearance of any skin moles you have.
Your Baby Size Is A Grapefruit Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is now the size of a grapefruit and is developing little scalp hair
Height: 10.1 cms & Weight: 70 gms
Common Symptoms-
Nose Bleed
This symptom is a combination of increased blood supply and sensitive nasal passage.
Swollen Gums
Your gums are now sensitive so you will have to take good care of them.
Shortness of Breath
Breathing may seem a little tricky now.
- Get a dental appointment for your gum problem.
- Get yourself a pregnancy pillow and sleep on the left side for blood circulation.
- Get enough rest to avoid back aches and pain in joints and muscle.
Your Baby Size Is An Avocado Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your baby is now the size of an avocado and you may feel movements.
Height: 11.6 cms & Weight: 100 gms
Common Symptoms-
As your belly gets bigger, your lower back is taking more load than usual.
Varicose Veins
You will notice swollen legs because of weight gain.
This is because your uterus starts to press your intestine.
- Drink loads of water to combat constipation.
- Prenatal exercise will help you balance weight gain.
- Find a chair with good support if you are working. Place a support pillow.
Your Baby Size Is A Pear Now!

Baby’s Structure-
Your little one is now the size of a Pear
Height: 13 cms & Weight: 140 gms
Common Symptoms-
GI Issue
Heartburn, indigestion, nausea, gas and constipation are the most common pregnancy discomforts.
Stretch Marks
As your uterus is expanding, getting stretch marks will be inevitable.
Itchy boobs and belly
Your skin is stretching thinner and can be more sensitive.
- Use a good moisturiser for stretch marks and stay hydrated.
- Take a cold shower in the morning to soothe you and your baby.
- Do not go overboard in eating. Consume between 200 to 400 extra calories this week.
Your Baby Size Is A Sweet Potato Now!

Baby’s structure-
Congratulations, you are almost halfway through your pregnancy! Your baby is now a sweet potato
Height: 14.2 cm & Weight: 190 gms
Common Symptoms-
Fetal Movement
If you have noticed an unusual rumbling in your tummy these days, you may be starting to feel your baby’s movements in the womb.
You may also notice swelling in your ankles and feet as your body requires extra fluid to support your baby.
Leg Cramps
You may find yourself suddenly woken up during the night by shooting spasms in your calves.
- Boost your circulation by resting while lying on your side or eating a piece of fruit.
- Make a list of foods rich in omega-3s and add them to your weekly shopping list.
- Start thinking about baby names for your little one.
Your Baby Size Is A Mango Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is now as big as a Mango
Height: 15.3 cm & Weight: 240 gms
Common Symptoms-
Faintness or dizziness
Your growing uterus may put pressure on your blood vessels which may reduce blood flow causing you to feel lightheaded.
Stretch Marks
It’s estimated that about 90% of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy so you are not alone.
As your uterus grows, you may find your centre of gravity shifting forward, putting extra pressure on your lower back.
- Use sunscreen or stay in the shade if going outside.
- Another way to improve sleep is to keep moving.
- To keep your weight gain at a healthy level, continue to eat a nutritious diet.
Your Baby Size Is A Bell Pepper Now!

Baby’s structure-
Congratulations! Mom-to-be Your baby is about the size of a bell pepper
Height: 25.6 cm & Weight: 300 gms
Common Symptoms-
Your Innie becoming an outie
Your cute little innie belly button may suddenly morph into an outie.
You may be having a hard time concentrating, and you may find that you’re forgetting small things.
Itchy Skin
The skin around your belly and breasts may feel itchy as it stretches to accommodate your little one.
- Eat smaller meals at regular intervals.
- Try to maintain the right posture to prevent a backache.
- Try and find a sleeping position that lets you sleep comfortably.
Your Baby Size Is A Banana Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is as large as Banana. Your baby can now hear noises and voices outside the womb.
Height: 26.7 cm & Weight: 360 gms
Common Symptoms-
Leaky Boobs
Your milk ducts will be fully developed by the end of this trimester causing leaky boobs.
Avoid spicy and greasy foods and other triggers to control your heartburn and indigestion.
Dry Itchy skin
Your skin is stretching over your growing bump, making it drier and more irritated by the day.
- Exercise may sound like a chore right now, but it’ll help with swelling and circulation.
- Use a footrest to elevate your feet slightly whenever you sit.
- Treat yourself to a warm bath to help relieve back pain.
Your Baby Size Is A Papaya Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is the size of a Papaya. Your baby's taste buds are developing
Height: 27.8 cm & Weight: 430 gms
Common Symptoms-
Increased Sex Drive
Some moms-to-be find they have an increase in libido around 22 weeks.
Increased Vaginal Discharge
Extra discharge is just the result of increased blood flow down there.
Trouble catching your breath
Baby continues to crowd your lungs, making it tough to breathe at times.
- Don’t take over-the-counter medications without consulting.
- Enjoy these last few weeks of being able to easily get out of chairs and tie your shoes.
- Put together a decorating and shopping plan for your baby's nursery.
Your Baby Size Is An Eggplant Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is the size of a eggplant. Your baby's limbs are now in proportion.
Height: 28.9 cm & Weight: 501 gms
Common Symptoms-
Braxton Hicks Contractions
It’s a totally weird sensation the first time you notice your belly getting super tight.
Swollen Gums
Pregnancy hormones increase your blood flow, making your gums more likely to swell and bleed.
Tingling hands
Swelling during pregnancy can put pressure on nerves which causes aching and tingling.
- Read, talk, and sing to your baby.
- Check that your diet includes plenty of iron-rich food.
- Try sleeping with a pillow between your knees for lower back support.
Your Baby Size Is An Ear of Corn Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is as big as an ear of corn, everything is in proportion
Height: 30 cm & Weight: 600 gms
Common Symptoms-
Linea Nigra
That's the dark line that runs up the centre of your belly.
Stretch Marks
These “tiger stripes” may continue to appear as your skin stretches even more.
If you find your headaches last for days are severe and are accompanied by nausea or vision.
- Seek immediate medical attention if any fluid leaks or gushes from your vagina.
- Talk to your partner about your new roles as parents and how it may affect your relationship.
- Familiarise yourself with the signs of preterm labour.
Your Baby Size Is An Acorn Squash Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is the size of an acorn squash. A loud noise could make your baby jump and kick
Height: 34.6 cm & Weight: 660 gms
Common Symptoms-
Trouble Sleeping
Maybe you can’t sleep because you’re getting nervous about delivery, or maybe it’s your haywire hormones.
Frequent Urination
Now that baby is crowding your bladder, you’ve got to pee. A lot.
Your hormones are slowing down digestion, creating excess gas.
- Get a glucose screening test to look for signs of gestational diabetes.
- Be on the lookout for signs of urinary tract infections.
- You should pay attention to changes in your vision or eye health.
Your Baby Size Is A Zucchini Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of Zucchini. Your baby's eyes will be opening for the first time
Height: 35.6 cm & Weight: 760 gms
Common Symptoms-
High Blood Pressure
A slight boost in blood pressure is normal at 26 weeks pregnant.
Pregnancy Brain
It may cause you to forget some crucial meetings or bits of information lately.
Blurred Vision
If your eyes are feeling irritated that’s probably because pregnancy hormones decrease tear production.
- Carry around small, portable snacks like fruit or yoghurt.
- Register for your upcoming delivery at your local hospital or birth centre.
- Pay attention to what you eat and how often you eat.
Your Baby Size Is A Cauliflower Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower. Your baby's lungs are now capable of breathing
Height: 36.6 cm & Weight: 875 gms
Common Symptoms-
Leg Cramps
Keep stretching those legs, flexing your feet can help and drinking lots of water.
Itchy Belly
Your stretched-out belly can cause your skin to become dry and itchy.
Round ligament pain
Blame that growing tummy of yours again for those growing pains around your middle.
- Expect more dramatic or vivid dreams, which may be due to the extra hormones.
- Plan who could help out during those first weeks at home with your newborn.
- Think about whether you'd like to hire a doula, or a trained labour support professional.
Your Baby Size Is A Head of Lettuce Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is the size of a head of Lettuce. Your baby's heart rate is changing all the time.
Height: 37.6 cm & Weight: 1005 gms
Common Symptoms-
Trouble sleeping
As you get closer to your due date, you'll likely have more and more trouble getting sleep.
Shortness of breath
Baby continues to crowd your lungs and diaphragm, making it tougher to catch your breath.
Leaky boobs
Your breasts may already be producing the baby's first food, a yellowish substance called colostrum.
- Apply cream or lotion to help with itching skin.
- Ditch the heels and stick with flats to help prevent tripping and falling.
- It's important to choose a paediatrician and make sure they know to expect a new patient in the next 12 weeks.
Your Baby Size Is A Small Pumpkin Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of small pumpkin. Your baby is now perfectly formed
Height: 38.6 cm & Weight: 1153 gms
Common Symptoms-
You can get a headache or feel out of sorts if you’re sleep-deprived.
Back, leg or Hip pain
Your body is carrying around extra weight all day at 29 weeks pregnant, and depending on the baby's position, they’re putting pressure on anything and everything.
Pregnancy hormones relax your muscles including those in your bowels.
- Choose or start designing a birth announcement.
- Gently stretch your leg, flexing your foot and pulling your toes back toward you.
- Load up on calcium-rich foods, as well as those that contain potassium.
Your Baby Size Is A Cabbage Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a cabbage. Your baby's eyes can now focus.
Height: 39.9 cm & Weight: 1319 gms
Common Symptoms-
General Discomfort
Thanks to your big belly, your back aches, your hips ache and your feel. Well, they ache too!
A little puffiness is to be expected and will typically go down if you put your feet up for a while.
If you’re feeling the burn, pay attention to which foods may be causing it. (Often, it’s greasy, heavy, spicy or acidic food.)
- Massage your itching belly with lotion; scratching will only make it worse.
- Take a childbirth class and practice the techniques you learn.
- Get plenty of calcium, iron, and protein to help your baby develop.
Your Baby Size Is A Coconut Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a coconut. This might be hard to believe, but you are almost there.
Height: 41.1 cm & Weight: 1502 gms
Common Symptoms-
Dry Brittle nails
You’re having extra fingernail and toenail growth, but that can make those nails feel dry and easily broken.
Leaky Boobs
A little leakage at this point is totally normal.
More frequent Urination
Your uterus puts more pressure on your bladder in the third trimester giving it less room to store urine.
- Slow down and take a few deep breaths if you find yourself getting out of breath.
- Be on the lookout for Braxton Hicks contractions when 31 weeks pregnant.
- Start counting your baby's movements during the 31st week of pregnancy.
Your Baby Size Is A Napa Cabbage Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a Napa cabbage. Making it harder to walk and making you "waddle"
Height: 42.4 cm & Weight: 1702 gms
Common Symptoms-
Darker Nipples
Whoa! Those areolas might look darker thanks to hormonal changes.
Vaginal Discharge
The increased discharge is your body’s way of preparing for delivery; it prevents infection down there.
More Braxton Hicks Contractions
Those “practice contractions” are likely getting more frequent and stronger.
- Stock up on any baby gear and nursery essentials you’re still missing.
- Try lying on your side or changing positions if your baby gets a foot stuck up under your ribcage.
- Start seeing your doctor every two weeks from the 32nd week of pregnancy.
Your Baby Size Is A Pineapple Now!

Baby’s structure-
With around 6 weeks to go Your baby is now the size of pineapple
Height: 43.7 cm & Weight: 1918 gms
Common Symptoms-
You’re one hot mama-to-be, likely because the baby is radiating body heat.
Strong fetal Movement
You can test for fetal movement twice a day in the morning and evening.
A bigger belly means a shift in your centre of gravity and that can spell clumsiness.
- Plot and practice driving the quickest route to the hospital, timing yourself.
- Pay special attention to your diet, eating plenty of protein and healthy fats.
- Wear a wrist brace or shift your sleeping position if you’re having wrist pain.
Your Baby Size Is A Cantaloupe Melon Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a cantaloupe melon. Your baby is curled up inside your uterus.
Height: 45 cm & Weight: 2146 gms
Common Symptoms-
Blurry vision
A combination of hormones, fluid buildup and lack of sleep may make your vision seem a little “off.”
It's exhausting carrying around all that extra weight (whether you’ve got one baby in there or you’re 34 weeks pregnant with twins).
Abdominal Pressure
As the baby prepares for arrival and settles down lower, you might feel pressure in your pelvis and even more frequent urination.
- Familiarise yourself with the signs of labour during the 34th week of pregnancy.
- Review your birth plan with your doctor and/or midwife.
- Take a class in infant CPR, breastfeeding, or baby care.
Your Baby Size Is A Honeydew Melon Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a honeydew melon. Your baby is getting chubbier
Height: 46.2 cm & Weight: 2383 gms
Common Symptoms-
Bloating and Gas
As your third trimester progresses, you may be getting gassier.
Leg Cramps
They are most common around now, when three main culprits are at their peak- pregnancy weight, swelling and fatigue.
If you are not worrying about delivery day, then leg cramps and trips to the bathroom are banishing any chance of shut-eye.
- Discuss any pain medication options you’ll want during labour.
- Get tested for the Group B streptococcus (GBS) bacterium during the 35th week of pregnancy.
- Watch your water intake before bed.
Your Baby Size Is A Romaine Lettuce Now!

Baby’s structure-
By now, your baby's lungs are probably mature enough to breathe. Your baby is about the size of a romaine lettuce.
Height: 47.4 cm & Weight: 2622 gms
Common Symptoms-
Improved Breathing
As the baby descends into your pelvis, your lungs will have more space and you’ll be able to breathe more deeply.
Changes in Vaginal discharge
At 36 weeks pregnant, discharge may increase as your body readies itself for birth.
Nesting Instinct
It's normal to be tired by the time you hit week 36. You may also get a burst of extra energy.
- Start scheduling weekly checkups with your doctor from the 36th week of pregnancy.
- Don’t wait too late to eat dinner.
- Swollen feet and ankles get much-needed relief when you rest for a bit.
Your Baby Size Is A Swiss Chard Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the length of a Swiss chard. Your baby will be trying out different facial expressions
Height: 48.6 cm & Weight: 2859 gms
Common Symptoms-
Avoid spicy foods and drink plenty of water to prevent heartburn.
Your cervix is extra sensitive while you’re pregnant, so sex can irritate it and make it bleed.
At 37 weeks, cramping or contractions are to be expected. You may find that your contractions go away if you sit or lie down.
- Stock your freezer with meals you can simply heat up.
- Finalise your baby’s nursery and get any baby essentials you haven’t bought yet.
- Make sure you drink plenty of water because dehydration can make your uterus contract, causing discomfort.
Your Baby Size Is A Rhubarb Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the length of a stick of rhubarb and your baby is covered in a furry coat of soft, downy hair (lanugo)
Height: 49.8 cm & Weight: 3083 gms
Common Symptoms-
Increased vaginal discharge
You may begin to notice globs of a thick, mucus-like substance in your discharge this week.
Bloody show
Vaginal discharge can be tinged pink or brown as the blood vessels in the cervix rupture during dilation and effacement.
Itchy Belly
Your 38-weeks pregnant belly is stretched practically as far as it can go, so it makes sense that it’s more sensitive.
- Keep drinking plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated during the 38th week of pregnancy.
- Work through the various labour positions you’d prefer.
- Install your baby's car seat so it's ready to go.
Your Baby Size Is A Small Watermelon Now!

Baby’s structure-
Your baby is about the size of a small watermelon now the baby skin is growing a tougher new layer.
Height: 50.7 cm & Weight: 3288 gms
Common Symptoms-
Braxton Hicks contractions
Cramping or tightening of your uterus may seem pretty constant, no matter what you do.
Lightning crotch
Because the baby is so low, their movements can hit some sensitive nerves, giving you sharp sensations in your pelvis and vagina
Water breaking
Another sign that labour is near your amniotic sac breaks and fluid trickles out.
- Time any contractions carefully to make sure you're not in false labour.
- Talk to other moms about their happy birth experiences.
- Gentle exercises can help to prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze or cough.
Your Baby Size Is A Pumpkin Now!

Baby’s structure-
The wait is nearly over! Your baby is about the size of a pumpkin.
Height: 51.2 cm & Weight: 3462 gms
Common Symptoms-
Leg Cramps
Stick with the calf and hamstring stretches to keep leg cramps from messing with your sleep.
Pelvic pressure
Baby may drop even lower in your pelvis, making your pelvic discomfort worse.
Cervical dilation
Although you won’t feel your cervix opening or thinning out, it is probably happening this week.
- Read about how your body will change and recover after you give birth.
- Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes – they may be able to recommend one.
- Treat yourself to a pedicure, book, or movie before your baby arrives.
Your Baby Size Is A Pumpkin Now!

Baby’s structure-
The fast period of growth is now over! Your baby is about the size of a pumpkin
Height: 51.7 cm & Weight: 3597 gms
Common Symptoms-
Frequent Urination
Baby is pretty much sitting right on your bladder at this point. Cue another trip to the bathroom.
Abdominal tightening is happening more and more noticeably and frequently as the baby ramps up for delivery.
Pelvic Pain
No doubt you’re feeling heaviness and stress in the pelvic region now that your baby has dropped down towards the birth canal.
- Even a short walk can help ease aches and pains, reduce swelling and improve constipation.
- It’s so tempting to scroll through Instagram or watch Netflix before you go to bed, but you need to shut down to get some shuteye.
- Make sure to attend all necessary appointments and get the required tests.